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libellus responsionum造句

  • Boniface also knew, and worked closely with, the papal document known as the " Libellus responsionum ".
  • It is no surprise, then, that the earliest manuscript witnesses of the " Paenitentiale Umbrense " transmit this text in close proximity with the " Libellus responsionum ".
  • This text of the " Libellus responsionum " has been the subject of some controversy, with the historian Suso Brechter arguing that the text was a forgery created by Nothhelm and a Roman archdeacon.
  • Bede records the letter and Gregory's replies in chapter 27 of his " Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum "; this section of the " History " is usually known as the " Libellus responsionum ".
  • In the early seventh century an augmented version of the Collectio canonum Dionysiana Bobiensis "  there was appended at some time a long series of additional papal documents and letters, including the " Libellus responsionum " and " Libellus synodicus ".
  • The " "'Libellus responsionum " "'( Latin for " little book of answers " ) is a papal letter ( also known as a papal rescript or decretal ) written in 601 by Pope Gregory I to Augustine of Canterbury in response to several of Augustine's questions regarding the nascent church in Anglo-Saxon England.
  • Both "'Wz 2 "'and "'V 5 "'are fragmentary at their ends, and so may have once contained the epilogue ( it is impossible now to be sure either way ); while both "'Cb 4 "'and "'W 7 "'have ( as Levison pointed out ) simply replaced the prologue with copies of the " Libellus responsionum " so as to make the latter seem like part of the former.
  • This is not unusual since the work is a letter and Gregory was not in the habit of titling his many letters . " " Libellus responsionum " " is the name given the letter by Bede in his " Historia Ecclesiastica ", and most modern commentators translate Bede's nomenclature as " Little book of answers " or " Little book of responses " . " " Libellus " " can also be translated as " letter "; thus " Letter of answers " is another possible translation.
  • According to Mordek, fols 80 195 of "'P 6 "'( which contain the " Collectio canonum Sancti Amandi ", the " Libellus responsionum ", Pope Gregory II's letter for Boniface beginning " Desiderabilem mihi ", the " Half Form " of the " Paenitentiale Umbrense ", the canons of the council of Rome in 721, and the canons of the council of Rome in 595 ) are likely a copy  modified with the help of a " Collectio Hispana " of either the Gallican or Pseudo-Isidorian form  of fols 128 266 of "'P 26 " '.
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